StepChange warns that 150,000 may be evicted | Mortgage Strategy


Debt charity StepChange says that 150,000 private renters are at risk of eviction once current restrictions are lifted at the end of May.

According to StepChange polling, half of renters have seen a drop in income since March last year and 460,000 renters are behind on their rent bills.

Additionally, 150,000 of these renters expect to be evicted within the next 12 months.

The charity’s findings suggest that a total of £25bn of arrears and borrowing can be directly attributed to Covid, with £370m of rental arrears having built up, and that the number of people in “severe” problem debt has risen from 1.4 million in September to 1.8 million today.

StepChange is thus launching a campaign, Covid Debt Rescue, which aims to secure emergency financial support for renters from the government.

“Without it, people will lose their homes just as they are trying to get back on their feet, compounding their financial and social problems and acting as a drag on the country’s economic recovery,” says StepChange chief executive Phil Andrew.

He adds: “The government’s continued suspension of rental evictions until the end of May is a positive step, but this alone will only serve as a stay of execution for those with unmanageable rent arrears.

“The government’s own research shows that private renters have been hardest hit by the pandemic yet there was no reference to renters in the recent budget while mortgage support was extended for home-owners – a real missed opportunity to do whatever it takes to help a group so disproportionately disadvantaged.

“The government needs to build on the sticking plaster of extended notice periods, with urgent action to sustain tenancies threatened by Covid-related rent arrears.”

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