Twenty7Tec acquires Broker Sense


Broker Sense is a software tool that allows advisers to collect affordability results from close to 100 lenders for both residential and buy-to-let applications through a single data entry process.

Twenty7Tec plans to integrate this into its SOURCE module, so providing “A single research solution for product, criteria, and affordability”.

This follows Twenty7Tec buying Bluecoat Software in June 2022, the motivation for which was detailed in Mortgage Strategy’s big interview with chief executive James Tucker and director of customer relationships Nathan Reilly, carried out towards the end of last year.

Regarding today’s announcement, Tucker says: “We have witnessed a turbulent lending market over recent years, leading advisers to increasingly seek efficient platforms to aid them in their quest to provide the most up to date information for their clients.

“We continue to invest in platforms that ease the day-to-day processes for these advisers and have conducted a thorough review of the numerous mortgage affordability tools that have recently come to market.

“This acquisition is further evidence of our ongoing commitment to both acquire and deeply integrate technology that simplifies, streamlines, and digitises financial services.  We believe that in Broker Sense, we have acquired a business that truly delivers a robust, technologically advanced solution that promises to enhance the advisory experience.”

And Broker Sense managing director Stuart Phillips comments: “Twenty7tec has long been a market leader in the provision of technology solutions that make advisers’ lives easier.

“I am delighted that Broker Sense will now form part of the Twenty7tec suite of products, and the integration of our affordability solution into SOURCE will extend the depth and breadth of what is already a first-class research platform.”