Stipendium users to access eConveyancer firms through new partnership


The partnership will mean eConveyancer’s panel of over 50 conveyancing firms are made available to mortgage seekers using Stipendium’s home moving platform, Merge.

Merge is an online service that navigates consumers through the home-buying process.

“Stipendium shares a common goal with us in working towards making home ownership a more streamlined and efficient process,” says eConveyancer director of sales, Karen Rodrigues.

“Conveyancing is such an important part of that process, which is why we take a rigorous approach to upholding the quality of the eConveyancer panel and continually developing our technology,” he adds.

Stipendium chief executive Christina Melling says the partnership will provide a smooth service through which customers can select the right legal firm, based on their personal circumstances, to carry out conveyancing.

“We are confident that future proofing the house purchase experience by incorporating technology to facilitate buyer control and certainty will be a welcome advancement in the industry,” she says.