HTB cuts BTL five-year fixes by up to 130bps Mortgage Strategy


Hampshire Trust Bank (HTB) has cut its buy-to-let (BTL) five-year fixed rates by up to 130 basis points.

The lender has also launched new two-year fixed rates.

Five-year fixed rates now start from 5.99%, with the new two-year fixed rates starting from 5.69%.

In addition, HTB has simplified its bandings into three levels: £100k to £1m; £1m to £5m and £5m plus.

The recently launched ‘ERC Plus’ and ‘ERC Lite’ options have also been extended across the two-year and five-year fixed rate specialist buy-to-let, houses of multiple occupancy and multi-unit freehold buildings and semi-commercial ranges.

HTB managing director of specialist mortgages Chris Daly says: “These positive changes to our specialist investment loan proposition highlight our appetite for business from portfolio landlords and professional investors, with our £1m to £5m band being particularly competitively priced.”

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