Mortgage Strategy Awards 2022 winners announced | Mortgage Strategy


Wednesday saw the mortgage industry meet once more at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House Hotel in London to celebrate the cream of the crop at the Mortgage Strategy Awards 2022.

Comedian and radio and television star Tom Allen put on a barnstorming performance as host, proving to be as adept at corralling nervous winners on to the stage as he was at entertaining us.

Among this, The Mortgage Mum chief executive Sarah Tucker belted out a tune live and the (official!) night ended with a cover band banging out the hits guaranteed to get brokers, lenders and all other members of the industry shaking their stuff.

And what winners! Every year it becomes more difficult to pick just one for each category, but somehow the judges manage – eventually.

Congratulations to every business and person who won this year and the team extends a heartfelt thank you to everybody who made it to the awards. Without you it would just be a big empty hall.

You can see the full list of winners here.

See you next year!

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