Just Mortgages expands broker trainee programme | Mortgage Strategy


Just Mortgages has expanded its trainee programme after receiving a record number of applications.

The broker firm has accepted 18 trainees onto its next five-week academy programme, the highest intake to date. Just Mortgages says it received more than 1,200 applications for places. 

This is the last training programme of the year. In total Just Mortgages says it has trained 65 mortgage brokers this year. 

The five-week face-to-face course is open to those who do not have a CeMap 1 qualification, with three-week options available to those with this basic qualification.

The company has also hired a new adviser development manager, Heidi Smith to support graduates and provide them with advice as they start their mortgage broking careers. Smith has previously worked at both NatWest and the Mortgage Advice Bureau.

Just Mortgages head of of training Rodney Sloan says: “Competition for places on our academy is tough. Although we could conduct courses with larger groups via video conferencing, we don’t want to compromise on the quality of our training.”

He added that the company was proud to support new blood coming into the mortgage industry. 

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