Staying Healthy as Residents Return to the Gym


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made his decision to begin reopening the state based on the steadily decreasing number of coronavirus cases throughout the state as well as our local medical systems gearing up to prepare themselves for any potential influx in cases.

The governor has cited hospital bed availability as a key indicator that the state is ready to open up again. About 33% of the state’s 59,000 hospital beds are available.

Even more — 37% — of Palm Beach County’s roughly 4,000 beds are free. About 31% of adult intensive care beds in the county and statewide are not filled.

Working Out in South Florida

As gyms in South Florida reopen, here are a few important things you should know.

First, people are more spread out in gyms than they would be in, say, a busy subway. So, while gyms may present more danger than working out alone, they are not necessarily the worst places to go.

You should not, however, be going to fitness-based classes. If your gym offers spin or yoga classes, you should avoid going as these may require you to be in close proximity to other gym-goers.

If you are still worried but want to go to the gym you can always wear a mask and or gloves as well as bring disinfectant wipes to use before and after you’re on a piece on exercise equipment.