Leeds Building Society employees raise


Throughout July, staff set themselves a daily task to complete, with challenges including everything from hula hooping to studying Italian.

The final total includes match funding from the Society.

For one challenge, 28 members of the intermediaries team set themselves the task of walking, cycling or running a total of 2,508 miles – the equivalent of travelling between the Society’s head office in Leeds and the North Pole.

The team exceeded their target, doing 3,886 miles.

Tony Raine, intermediary business development team manager at Leeds Building Society, said: “Coronavirus has highlighted just how important it is to support charities and the team wanted to help because dementia touches the lives of so many of our colleagues and members.

“In April, the society announced a new four-year partnership with Dementia UK, which aims to raise £500,000 to bring emotional and practical support closer to the homes of families.

Nick Young, who chairs Leeds Building Society’s Corporate Responsibility Steering Group, said: “It’s been fantastic to see our colleagues come up with some inspiring fundraising ideas at a time when many are working from home.

“Colleagues have been maintaining social distancing throughout, but it’s been a great way to stay in touch and support each other, while also helping Dementia UK’s dedicated team of admiral nurses at a time lockdown has left many carers feeling isolated.”

Dr Hilda Hayo, chief admiral nurse and CEO at Dementia UK, said: “Dementia can be so emotionally and practically challenging for families which is why the expertise of an admiral nurse is vital.

“We are so grateful for the continued support of Leeds Building Society to help us reach our aim of being there for every family who needs us.”