Broker Focus: Hemal Bhagalia, director at Mortgage Avenue | Mortgage Strategy


Describe your firm in a few sentences.

Mortgage Avenue is an independent mortgage brokerage based in London.

The goal is clear: we help new and existing landlords grow their property portfolio by offering products that specifically meet their needs. There is nothing more satisfying than assisting landlords to live the life they desire.

It’s good to see a substantial amount of money being invested in fintech across the industry

When I was young, I got to see first hand how the concept of buy-to-let (BTL) worked because my parents were landlords, so I guess this is where my interest began.

I have been fortunate to work with some great property developers.

What led you to become a broker?

When I was at school, my work experience was based at a mortgage brokerage in west London and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Although most of my time was spent preparing files in the filing room, I loved the buzz in the office and from a distance got to see the advising process — albeit it was very different from what it is now as my work experience was in 2003.

Firms could approach students. These individuals are fresh out of education and are easier to coach and mentor

Many years later I built up the courage to take my CeMap exams and began my career in financial services. It was honestly the best decision I ever made.

I did a two-week crash course in preparation for my exams, which helped me obtain my qualification a lot sooner.

However, CeMap does not prepare you for working life as a broker. Seven years on and all I can think is, ‘What a ride this has been so far!’

What plans do you have for the future of your firm?

We recently became directly authorised with the Financial Conduct Authority and are now preparing to grow the team.

There are three of us in the business, including me, but plans are under way to recruit more brokers.

Surround yourself with like-minded people and keep going

I want Mortgage Avenue to be known as the go-to specialist brokerage for BTL and bridging finance.

Technology will play a massive part in this growth and it’s good to see a substantial amount of money being invested in fintech across the industry.

Apps that have automation, integration and artificial intelligence make the broker process more efficient — and, more importantly, make the client journey a lot smoother.

What single thing could lenders do to improve brokers’ lives the most?

It is so important to have direct access to the underwriters, especially for complex cases. This can save a lot of time for clients, brokers and lenders.

CeMap does not prepare you for working life as a broker

Some lenders already do this, and it makes the transaction run a lot more smoothly.

What advice do you have for a broker just starting out?

Join a company that can provide training and mentorship for your first few years.

I was fortunate to be given an opportunity with a company called Dynamo, which was run by industry legend Ying Tan. Dynamo held my hand every step of the way and helped me to progress. I am forever grateful to the firm.

You must also play the long game! There have been times where I have wanted to give up. When that happens, it’s important to think WHY you started.

It is so important to have direct access to the underwriters, especially for complex cases

For me, I have always known the goal was to start my own business and live life on my terms.

Surround yourself with like-minded people and keep going. Keep getting off the canvas, shake it off and try again.

How can the industry encourage a new intake of brokers?

Firms could do this by approaching students, whether that’s teaching the basics via work experience at schools or offering university graduate programmes.

There is nothing more satisfying than assisting landlords to live the life they desire

These individuals are fresh out of education and are easier to coach and mentor. They have not picked up any bad habits from other employers.

I appreciate this would be more difficult for smaller firms, but bigger firms with bigger pockets may find it easier to do.

If you would like your firm to be featured in Broker Focus, please email Mortgage Strategy deputy editor Gary Adams at: [email protected]

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