MortgageForce placed over


The firm has reported an upbeat trading report during the COVID-19 pandemic.

MortgageForce’s Annual Conference at The Ned in London has been moved back to March 2021.

Kevin Duffy, managing director of MortgageForce, said: “Whilst April and May were tough months to navigate, the story since June has been one, which the soothsayers and doom-mongers simply could not have written, with each successive month surpassing the previous one.

“Looking ahead to 2021, there are some potential cliff-edge moments ahead, but my hunch is that Rishi Sunak is keeping his powder dry for now and that he will come again with some helpful measures in January.

“We are mindful that all lenders have had to be fleet-footed and adaptable since March 2020, and most have been very supportive. But in the mainstream space we want to give a special shout-out to each of Santander, HSBC, and The Coventry who did more than most to keep the wheels of our sector turning.

“And in the specialist space, Alan Cleary’s approach to staff manning their offices at OSB has also been exemplary.”