Aussies Message in a Bottle reaches customers


Instrumental Music Teacher Deanna Connelly, and QUT Technical Services Team Leader Kayne Hunnam, entered Aussie’s Message in a Bottle competition, which invited customers to share how their Aussie Broker helped them on their home loan journey. The winning prize was a trip for five people to enjoy seven relaxing days on Queensland’s popular Pumpkin Island on the Great Barrier Reef.

When asked about the surprise win, Mr Hunnam said “We’re over the moon with the prize and we’re planning on taking friends with us to enjoy the escape thanks to Aussie.”

Writing about their mortgage broker, Aussie Paddington Franchisee Mark Edbrooke, the pair stated that before they met him when searching for their first home “we were absolutely lost, roaming aimlessly between banks and online forums, searching for a suitable loan, good interest rate, and most importantly, answers to our hundreds of questions.”

The couple added “Within an hour we had loan options we had never seen, and rates we didn’t think were possible. A few short weeks later, we signed the dotted line on an amazing property we now call home.”

Mr Edbrooke said “I’m delighted Kayne and Deanna won the competition, though with so many entries received I was surprised that my customers were the lucky winners. The couple are two of the many first home buyers we are helping at Aussie Paddington. There are many young people renting in the area before making the big step to purchase a home, often outside the local area.”

The competition was Aussie’s annual customer marketing campaign, designed as a thank you to its customers for choosing to use an Aussie Broker. Almost 11,000 entries were submitted by happy customers, with the testimonials ranging from a few kind words to creative poetry. Many included stories of how Aussie Brokers have gone above and beyond to deliver great customer outcomes.

The complete winning testimonial can be found below:

“I won’t lie… when my partner and I started searching for our first home, we were absolutely lost. Roaming aimlessly between banks and online forums, searching for a suitable loan, good interest rate, and most importantly, answers to our hundreds of questions.

Then, by fate or by chance, we walked past an Aussie broker on our way to our millionth open house and suddenly decided… “Let’s give it a go”.

That decision… was the best one we had made since our search for our first home began.

In a few short and informative minutes, we had arranged a meeting with a broker who put aside his personal life to meet us outside of business hours, which was the only time my partner and I could do anything with our fulltime jobs and family commitments.

When we arrived at the meeting, there he was… Mark Edbrooke. The smile on his face and outstretched hand greeting us with an offer of a coffee just as we made our first footsteps into his office.

It was the first sigh of relief we had experienced in months.

Quickly, our worries and stresses were quelled with Mark’s knowledge of the industry, past experiences and years of expertise as a broker. Within an hour, we had loan options we had never seen, and rates we didn’t think were possible.

A few short weeks later, we signed the dotted line on an amazing property we now call home.

At Aussie… Mark Edbrooke truly did save us.”

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