5 reasons to use an Aussie Broker from our customers!


We’re shining the spotlight on Aussie customers and the reasons why they decided to partner with an Aussie Broker. And frankly, we couldn’t have put it better ourselves.

1. You’ll enjoy fair dinkum advice

Here’s what Matt says, “My wife and I looked into more mortgages than you could poke a stick at. I fancied the one that threw in a free barbie and half a cow, but the missus is vego and said we should give Aussie a ring.”

“There were no free pens, juicers, or gym memberships,” adds Matt. “Just fair dinkum advice. Our Aussie Broker answered every phone call, email and question we had. He cut the bull, explained everything in plain language and made the whole process smooth as.”

Thanks Matt – we love your work!

2. We’ll save you a lot of grey hairs

Katie, a self-employed first home buyer, says her Aussie Broker took the stress out of getting a start on the property ladder.

Katie explains, “My Aussie Broker explained everything – and everything he said was spot on. He was really friendly and positive and very reassuring. I’m a financial worrier so that saved me a lot of grey hairs. Four years later my Aussie Broker is still supporting me with advice, calling and checking my home loan rate and making any adjustments to help me.”

3. We’ll focus on your home loan while you focus on you

When Aussie customer Mike was busy making plans for his upcoming wedding, his Aussie Broker stepped in to make buying a first home smooth sailing – and leaving Mike free to focus on tying the knot.

Mike says, “We finally found the right home and then crunch time came due to our impending wedding. Our Aussie Broker walked us through every step and kept us updated on a near-daily basis. It helped alleviate a lot of stress and allowed us to keep our focus on our wedding and all the craziness that came with planning that day!”

Congratulations Mike – new home, new life, right loan!

4. Your Aussie Broker answers the “what-ifs”

When Chris and her partner were looking to purchase their forever home, knowing where to start was daunting. Chris approached her Aussie Broker, who she says, “Came highly recommended”. Chris soon discovered why.

“Our Aussie Broker’s communication is second to none,” says Chris. “We were provided extensive information and analysis on different options, how much we could safely borrow and which banks were giving the best overall service. This made us feel very secure and sure of our final decision.”

5. Your home loan needs come first

When your Aussie Broker says your needs take top priority, you better believe it. We’ll let Aussie customer Aysha explain why.

“While going through the refinancing process, the lender undervalued my property and it looked like the loan application was going to fall through,” recalls Aysha. “I contacted my Aussie Broker only to find out she was on vacation in the United States.”

At that point Aysha thought any chance of refinancing her home loan had ended. But then an email arrived from her Aussie Broker. “She asked if I could provide some extra information, which I did. Within the week everything was sorted and the loan went through without a problem. This was all done by my Aussie Broker while she was on vacation in another country.”

Talk to your Aussie Broker to discover how you can benefit from being a valued Aussie customer.