MT Finance: Stamp duty holiday extension has boosted confidence further | Mortgage Introducer


Aboody said: “Buyer demand has dramatically increased over the past year due to the requirement for more space.

“Many Londoners have been looking for much larger pastures new, heading to the traditional commuter belts of Surrey, Hampshire, Sussex and Berkshire, and even further afield such as Norfolk.”

He went on to say that more space, both inside and outside, combined with a better of quality of life for children, is more than ever the number one priority for families

Aboody said: “With lower-priced properties outside the capital, combined with low interest rates for those requiring mortgages, it is a win-win scenario.”

However, Aboody outlined that demand is such that more stock is definitely needed.

He added: “While we are living in such a low interest-rate environment, the market should remain bullish for a while.”