5 things an Aussie Broker can teach you about buying a home


If you’re deep in the midst of weighing up your options when it comes to buying a property, you’ll no doubt be overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information out there. If it’s not the endless stream of properties you have to review, you’ll be under the pump trying to get a grip on all the paperwork you’ll need for your home loan. The great news is that an Aussie Broker can help you with so much more than just getting your home loan sorted. But don’t take our word for it, hear it from 5 happy customers who share how their Aussie Broker helped them beyond the basics.

1. An Aussie Broker teaches you the importance of confidence

For one new homeowner, riding the highs and lows of the property hunt had started to take its toll. “To say we were in over our heads is an understatement,” says Jess*, who bought a property last year. But, thanks to the support of her Aussie Broker, Jess was able to get her foot in the door. “I can safely say if it weren’t for our broker, we would never have even begun on the endeavour of pursuing our own place,” she says. “She not only patiently guided us, but showed us the step-by-step process, instilling confidence and understanding. She turned an intimidating process into an easy-to-follow method.”

2. Your property partner

“My partner and I were looking to buy our first investment property. We found it very confusing and stressful trying to figure out all the terminology, costs and liabilities,” says Matt*. “After our first meeting with our broker, all our questions were answered with thorough knowledge on each subject. She held seminars on both first home buying and property investing, introducing us to key contacts.”

3. An Aussie Broker takes a strategic approach to help you achieve your goal

For a couple keen to buy a second property and balance an existing mortgage with a bigger outlay, their Aussie Broker was the missing piece of the puzzle. “It seemed impossible. So much paperwork,” says Maria*. “Our broker helped us refinance our existing home loan in Canberra and roll in some personal loans. This saved us a lot of money each month and brought the possibility of a second mortgage closer to reality.“ Finally, after months of scrambling, Maria and her husband were able to achieve their property goal! “Our broker knew which banks would accept our income types and really pushed them for us. Finally, just the day before the house was about to be put to the open market, we achieved the impossible. Now we have a choice of where to live and our children can live in a great home.”

4. An Aussie Broker can help cut through the jargon

Ever feel bamboozled by all the buzzwords that come up in contracts? You’re not alone. “The jargon in financial institutions can be hard to navigate, but our broker cut through all of that and came up with a range of superior options from places that we’d never considered,” says Nick*. “Through some good questions, we arrived at the package that benefited us and on top of that, it was so easy to switch over. Our broker took care of all the paperwork and stripped out the hassle of refinancing. Would we do it again? You bet.”

5. An Aussie Broker knows the property market – beyond mortgages

“Our broker was an absolutely lifesaver during our mortgage and home building journey,” says Moni*. “He made himself available to us and answered any question we had, not only about the mortgage/bank process but he also helped tremendously during the actual build. One time in particular was when we were sitting and signing all of our contracts – we made a quick “ahh! help us!” phone call to him as soon as the builders left the room! He undoubtedly saved us a lot of stress and worry during this time.”

*names have been changed for privacy.

Do you know who you want to talk to about a mortgage? Why not make a free appointment with an Aussie Broker today?