Barclays launches new products and cuts rates on resi ranges | Mortgage Strategy


Barclays introduces three new products and makes several rate cuts to products across its residential purchase, remortgage and reward ranges tomorrow (8 June).

The high street bank launches a 90% loan to value purchase only mortgage at 2.87% for two-years fixed, with a £999 product fee. Loans range between £5,000 and £570,000.

And a 90% LTV purchase only deal at 3.30% for two-years fixed, with no product fee, and £500 cashback. Loans also range between £5,000 and £570,000.

It also expands its green home mortgage suite with the addition of an 80% LTV for new builds at 1.97%, for two years fixed, with no product fee. Loans range between £5,000 and £2m.

Cuts among its residential products include:

A five-year fixed offer at 80% LTV, with a £999 product fee at 2.12%, from 2.27%. Loans range between £5,000 and £2m.

And a five-year fixed deal at 90% LTV, with no product fee at 3.45%, from 3.72%. Loans range between £5,000 and £570,000.

Reductions among its residential remortgage range include:

A two-year fixed offer at 60% LTV, with a £999 product fee at 1.05%, from 1.08%. Loans range between £5,000 and £2m.

And a two-year fixed mortgage at 75% LTV, with a £999 product fee, at 1.18%, from 1.30%. Loans range between £5,000 and £2m.

Cuts among its residential product transfer reward range include:

A five-year fixed deal at 60% LTV, with a £999 product fee, at 1.19%, from 1.24%. Loans range between £5,000 and £2m

And a two-year fixed offer at 75% LTV, with a £999 product fee, at 1.18%, from 1.30%. Loans also range between £5,000 and £2m.

The lender adds for existing products, the final date for generating a mortgage information sheet is 7 June.

The last rate switch, or product transfer, applications on existing reward range products is 8 June.

And the final new lending applications on existing products is 16 June.

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