Who says you can't make a tremendous profit in this market?


It's time for a big shout out to our clients, LeAnn and Roger, who just sold their Madison home for $620,000 after paying $550,000 for it just over a year ago. That's 13% more than their original investment. Not bad at all for the cold month of January. 

The keys to success? Here are a few clues:

#1) Smart cosmetic updates

A little fresh paint, some new cabinet hardware, and a few new light fixtures -- all based  on the recommendations of the Mad City Dream Homes team. Mad City Dream Homes provided the contractor recommendation, too. 

#2) Professional staging

Thanks to the artistry of Debbie Lea and Shelley Lazzareschi, LeAnn and Roger's home stood out as a showcase listing and attracted a tremendous amount of traffic during the holiday season. 

#3) Comprehensive marketing, multiple offers, and skillful negotiation

Shelley oversaw the entire plan from start to finish and skillfully negotiated the competing offers. The result: a clean contract and a smooth closing from a strong and committed buyer. 

As LeAnn shared in her recent online review:

Mad City Dream Homes "delivered on everything they told us and we were able to sell at a great price, far exceeding what we had hoped for".

Thank you LeAnn and Roger for trusting us with your sale! We wish you all the best in your new home and your new community!