A day in the life of Harriet Wells, Xpress Mortgages - Mortgage Strategy


My alarm goes off at…

…7.15am, I try and get up earlier most mornings – I hate rushing so I like to have plenty of time to gather my thoughts before the day ahead.

I cannot leave the house without…

…a cup of tea! Especially in the cold weather, a hot cup of tea in my favourite flask listening to Radio 4.

I travel to work…

…by car. I am so lucky that my commute is only 15 minutes.  I used to commute into London every day, which took around an hour and 15 minutes, so when I joined Xpress Mortgages I couldn’t believe my luck!

The main purpose of my job…

…to guide people through the buying process and source the financing they need from the right bank to buy their dream home.

Whether it is re-mortgaging or a purchase, I am there from start to finish supporting my clients.

My typical day…

…I wake up at 7.15am and like to watch the news. I’ll eat breakfast, walk the dog then leave the house to be at the office for 9am. Every day in the office is different – I’ll have client and lender meetings, catch ups with our administrators and lenders on client cases. I usually leave the office around 6 or 6.30pm.

A common misconception about my job is…

…it’s a desk job. I am so fortunate that while I do sit at my desk for several hours of the day, there are always opportunities to be out and about. Whether its meeting a new client in London, or a lender conference, you aren’t chained to a desk all day!

My favourite work memory is…

…too many to choose from! Probably the impact of what I do, changing people’s future by helping them get on, or get further up, the property ladder.

A perk of the job is…

…meeting people. Whether it’s others in the industry or my clients, I love building new relationships and making new connections.

To unwind after work I like to…

…go to the gym, read or take my dog for a walk

My role in five words…

…making peoples dreams come true!

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