Boris Johnson confirms help for renters | Mortgage Introducer


This will see the government move to protect private renters from eviction for three months.

Speaking at his daily coronavirus briefing the Prime Minister said: ” We will be bringing in legislation to protect renters from no-fault evictions

“It would not be right for people to be penalised as a direct result of following government advice.”

Around one in five, or 4.6 million, households are privately rented in England.

ONS data shows that more than a third of 25-34 year olds live in private rented accommodation. By comparison just 8% of those in the 55-64 age category rent their homes.

Yesterday Chancellor Rishi Sunak revealed a three-month mortgage holiday for those affected by coronavirus.

And earlier today Franz Doerr, founder and CEO of flatfair, called for clarity from the government on what action it would take to protect renters in the face of the coronavirus.

Doerr said: “Following the Chancellor’s announcement yesterday of a three-month holiday for mortgage payments, the big elephant in the room is what this means for renters.

“The government has said it will legislate to protect renters but more clarity on what this actually means for the millions of renters up and down the country is urgently needed, especially as the economic uncertainty being caused by COVID-19 may mean many will start to struggle to pay their rents.

“Everyone involved in renting – from landlords to agents to deposit alternative providers like ourselves – should work together during these troubled times, to help ensure renters are provided with the relief they may need to come through this difficult period.”