Darlington partners with GNAAS - Mortgage Introducer


The partnership comes as part of the society’s new affinity savings account; for every High 5 Saver account opened, the society will donate £5 to GNAAS.

So far the initial donation from Darlington to GNAAS is £605. Regular donations will capture new accounts going forward.

Andy Mawson, director of operations at GNAAS, said: “We’re thrilled to have been chosen.

“The pandemic has been a tough time on all charities and we’re no different.

“But with this kind of support from local businesses, we will be able to continue our work throughout the region.

“Thanks to everyone at Darlington Building Society, and thanks in advance to all those who by signing up will be helping a local life-saving cause.”

Darren Ditchburn, chief customer officer for Darlington Building Society, added: “This is all about our staff working alongside our members to deliver support to the right organisations.

“The Great North Air Ambulance is one of the region’s most high profile and best loved charities, carrying out amazing life-saving work.

“We are delighted that it has been voted by our staff community impact group to receive a £5 boost every time a High 5 Saver account is opened.

“We are also backdating our donation to all accounts opened since the launch of the High Five Saver earlier this year.

“With the help of our members this means that we’ve already raised over £600.”