A Day In The Life Of... Jon Smith, business development manager, BM Solutions | Mortgage Strategy


My alarm goes off at…

…9.00am — if only! I like to wake up early and get started on work early so that I can reply to any queries and emails before the day properly begins. It also gives me more time during the day to help brokers with any applications they may have in the pipeline.

I wanted to become a BDM because…

…I have spent a lot of time working in the mortgage industry. After eight years as a mortgage adviser, I wanted to have a different perspective on the industry and challenge myself in new ways.

What I particularly love about being a BDM is that no two days are the same, and every case I discuss with brokers is slightly different — it really keeps me on my toes. If I had a more ‘predictable’ job, I’d get bored very soon, so the variety, and working with a wide range of people, really suits me well.

Something that surprised me about my job is…

…there is a lot of change in the industry, so it’s important to be on top of new government legislation and regulatory change. Every day is a challenge based on the level of complexity within the buy-to-let sector, so keeping on top of the latest developments is something that I really focus on.

 My typical day entails…

…starting by checking in with the two field-based BDMs I work with, to plan ahead and make sure we are as available as possible throughout the day.

BM Solutions offers a dual strategy with two points of BDM contact, which helps us maintain good relationships with our brokers. I typically interact with brokers throughout the day by telephone, email or video conferencing, which has become a new part of everyone’s life.

My favourite work memory is…

…seeing the end of 2020. Of course, everyone feels the same but it was a year like no other, so it was great to get through it and hopefully move into a more positive time.

I also received industry recognition, which was really unexpected, so that was a real highlight.

 A perk of the job is…

…the interaction I have with people. Before the pandemic, I was used to meeting lots of new people, face to face, every day, and I really miss it.

That said, it’s great we can still meet virtually.

To unwind after work, I…

…go for a long walk along the beach. It really helps to clear my head.

Although I cover London and the Southeast, I actually live in west Wales. So, after a hectic day I’m very lucky that I can get down to the local sandy beach really easily — government rules permitting, of course.

Challenges of working from home have been….

…adapting to the new ways of working in such a short time. I now can’t believe that the ‘daily commute’ used to exist.

But on the plus side…

…I know it’s a cliché to use phrases such as ‘the new normal’, but technology has really revolutionised the way we work.

Video calls through Microsoft Teams have made things so much easier because we can still build and maintain relationships with brokers. It’s actually added a personal element as you get an idea of people’s home lives; how everyone is trying to keep several plates spinning at the same time.

Although you can get ‘Zoom doom’ from back-to-back video calls and the frustrations of an unreliable Wi-Fi connection, the positives of working from home and using technology are that it’s much easier to reach people, so I’ve really been able to focus on my relationships with brokers.

A common misconception about my job is…

…that I spend all of my time progressing cases. While that is a big part of my job, much of my time is also spent working with brokers to improve their knowledge about BM Solutions and the wider BTL market.

The aim is to help them deepen their understanding of our products and policies, and increase their business volumes. It’s about working in partnership with brokers.

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