The Coventry targets Net Zero by 2040 as it publishes sustainability report


The society aims to make its progress on sustainability clear through the report, with a commitment to deliver against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Included is Coventry’s Carbon Neutrality for Scope 1 and claiming Net Zero merits for Scope 2 emissions.

Coventry chief executive Steve Hughes says: “The ambitions and targets we set ourselves in our Sustainability Report and Climate Action Plan show how committed we are to making a difference to a very real and urgent global problem. Government and business need to work together or the ambition cannot be delivered. Every sector in the UK economy has a critical part to play in the journey to Net Zero, and we should all be measured on what we do, not just what we say, which is why we’re making our commitment public and transparent, and publishing our progress each year.

“Our role as a sustainable business includes taking steps to make a positive difference to the communities in which we operate. We are working with partners to deliver change and educate our employees and customers by providing products and resources to help them make better decisions. And, through joining the UN Global Compact, signing up to the UN Principles of Responsible Banking, and independent accreditations like the Fair Tax Mark, we’re aiming for the highest possible standards of business practice. It’s vital we and other businesses do our part, and we’re working with like-minded businesses and organisations to effect positive change to our members, colleagues and local communities.”

Coventry’s sustainability strategy, outlined in the report, includes enhancing its  contribution to the broader sustainability agenda, showing how the organisation can be more sustainable with an approach that is committed to deliver against United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs).

The full report highlights the following key achievements by the Society in 2021:

  • Issued its first Climate Action Plan, publicly committing to a challenging range of activities to reduce its emissions to Net Zero by 2040.
  • Transitioned to purchasing 100% renewable energy.
  • Achieved ISO-14064-1 certification for emissions data in 2020, validating its sustainable credentials.
  • Secured the Fair Tax Mark accreditation solidifying its reputation as a transparent provider of financial products.
  • Ensured none of its waste was sent to landfill with 76% of waste diverted to recycling and 24% non-recyclable waste converted into electricity, usable heat or fuel.
  • Reduced paper use by 20% (2020 vs 2021).
  • Installed 632 high-efficiency solar panels to power its main office.
  • Enhanced community support by investing a record £1.6m in its home city.
  • Supported 11,400 children and young people through education programmes.
  • Launched Green Together Reward, its first sustainable mortgage proposition, encouraging both homeowners and landlords to improve energy efficiency of their property.