Air Group launches later life legal fee promotion | Mortgage Introducer


The firms – Ashfords, Equilaw, Forever Legal and Gilroy Steel – are offering a £100 customer legal fee discount when instructed for cases submitted through Air Mortgage Club.

The discount is available on all applications, irrespective of the lender. Advisers must cite Air Mortgage Club as the submission route on the client’s KFI and the solicitor firm should be instructed through their Air account.

The promotion is available until 1 September 2021.

Air Group said the promotion was to encourage advisers to use specialist later life solicitors who fully understand the sector, can take the case through in a quicker timescale, and have the experience to cover equity release and later life cases.

Stuart Wilson, chief executive at Air Group, said: “These last few months have brought home to the sector just how important specialist and experienced later life solicitors can be in ensuring cases are completed on time.

“The stamp duty deadline brought this into sharp focus and I know of cases which did not complete before the end of June because some customers chose to use a non-specialist.

“Advisers have a unique opportunity to provide advice and recommendation not just on the later life product solution but the solicitors the customer should use.

“By opting for a high-street or family firm who are not specialists in later life, there is a real danger that the case will take much longer and it will ultimately cost more.

“On average specialist solicitors are 20 days quicker than their non-specialist counterparts.

“This promotion is a further encouragement to advisers to outline the benefits of using a specialist and the fact the customer gets a £100 discount plus all the expertise and experience of these four excellent firms, is an added bonus.

“We have worked with all firms for a number of years and the feedback advisers provide across the board is uniformly excellent.

“We encourage customers to use the services of specialist later life advisers. Why wouldn’t we do the same for the solicitors they use?”