Hike to Three Fingered Jack in the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness


For those who have never hiked in the Mt Jefferson Wilderness, the feeling of the forest is different than that of the 3 Sisters Wilderness. And the hike to the east side of 3 Fingered Jack through Canyon Creek Meadow is a lot of fun.  The Canyon Creek Meadow hike, which can be done on its own, is a 4.5 mile fairly easy loop taking hikers through the recovering 2003 B&B Complex burn through the beautiful, wildflower filled meadow, complete with the creek and stunning views of 3 Fingered Jack. A 3 mile round trip spur hike off the Canyon Creek loop will lead to a viewpoint on a flank of 3 Fingered Jack. This point provides fairly steep elevation change, loose stones and pumice on the trail and views toward the 3 Sisters, Mt. Washington, Mt. Jefferson, the meadow just hiked and the turquoise Cirque Lake created by glacial runoff. If you look carefully enough, you may be able to spot the mountain goats perched on unbelievable ledges on the rock face of 3 Fingered Jack.

Our trip back to the trail head involved another .7 mile spur off to Wasco Lake which was also mostly burned in the B&B Complex fire. Although not heavily traveled, the hike off to Wasco Lake also can provide access to Pacific Crest Trail and further lakes and vistas within the Mt. Jefferson Wilderness.