Accord Mortgages ditches cap on BTL secured debt | Mortgage Strategy


Accord Mortgages will relax its criteria for landlords by removing the cap on the amount of secured debt they can consolidate when remortgaging.

The intermediary-only lender adds it has also returned to lending up to 80% loan to value to buy-to-let customers, in a note sent to brokers.

However, it adds that its current restrictions, such as a maximum loan size of £500,000 for BTL mortgages over 75% LTV, and new build and debt consolidation LTV restrictions, still apply.

The firm says the changes will come to market on Wednesday (7 May).

The business adds “there’s no change to how we’ll treat unsecured debts”. It said they will still be subject to a £50,000 debt consolidation limit, with no top slicing available.

The firm says its maximum LTV for residential applications will be 80% and 75% for BTL applications, adding that both secured and unsecured debt will be subject to its maximum 10 debt rule.

Last month, Accord Mortgages cut selected rates on higher loan-to-value residential products, which included an offer to homebuyers with a 10% deposit of a two-year fixed rate of 3.30%, down from 3.35%, with a £495 fee, £750 cashback and free standard valuation.

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