Freedom Finance hires Emma Steeley as chief executive | Mortgage Strategy


Digital broker Freedom Finance has hired Emma Steeley as chief executive.

Steeley has spent over 16 years working in senior roles in the consumer finance and fintech sector and joins from Equifax, where she spent nearly four years as chief executive of AccountScore.

She will take up her role with immediate effect.

Former chief executive Brian Brodie moves to a newly-created role as chair, to support the transition of leadership and provide ongoing strategic support to Steeley and the business.

Pollen Street Capital recently completed a significant new investment in Freedom Finance to continue to develop the business’ embedded marketplace offering.

Steeley says: “I am delighted to be joining Freedom Finance at an exciting, new period of its growth journey and look forward to further strengthening the business’ market position.

“Brian has led the business superbly over the past six years, navigating it through the unprecedented challenges of the pandemic and developing it from a traditional broker to a fully-digitised lending platform that is perfectly-placed to seize the opportunities ahead.

“The embedded finance revolution only increases the relevance of our services in today’s market. I am eager to build on Brian’s hard work and unlock Freedom Finance’s huge potential with his continued support.”

Brodie says: “It has been a privilege to drive forward Freedom Finance’s growth and long-term strategy over the past six years. Following the completion of significant product upgrades and the arrival of further investment, now is the perfect time for new leadership to take the business forward.

“Emma embodies our values of innovation and entrepreneurship and I have no doubt that she will be a great appointment bringing energy and fresh focus. The opportunities that lie ahead of Freedom Finance are hugely exciting and I greatly look forward to supporting Emma as Chairman as we continue to drive innovation in the lending sector.”

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