Paymentshield updates Adviser Hub | Mortgage Introducer


Paymentshield’s next generation Quick Quote solution enables advisers to add additional cover options directly from the Quick Quote results screen, without having to start the full quote process.

Quick Quote was created by Paymentshield within its Adviser Hub platform, designed to provide advisers with an option to integrate a conversation about general insurance into their sales journey.

Since launch the business has seen 13% of their quotes now start as a ‘quick quote’.

Jennifer Pomfret, head of digital at Paymentshield, said: “The Paymentshield Quick Quote tool has been designed to optimise the user experience with both accuracy and speed in mind.

“Our data suggests that initial quick quote prices provided by basic quick quote tools vary on average by 15% compared to the price the client ends up paying once assumptions have been verified and the policy has been tailored to their needs such as adding optional extras.”

However, these latest enhancements to the Paymentshield Quick Quote tool mean advisers can now provide their clients with a quote that more accurately reflects their needs in a matter of seconds.

“This is all without compromising the value of their advice, something we believe other tools in the market fail to deliver.”