Overlook Mountain in the Ochocos is a Fabulous Hike


Overlook Mountain Has Panoramic Cascade Views

With views from Mount Adams in the north to Diamond Peak in the south, the stunning panorama of much of the Cascade mountain range is truly breathtaking from the top of Overlook Mt. 

On Saturday, May 9, 2020 we took the 7 mile loop from the parking lot off Canyon Creek Road and hiked up through old growth forest to the top of Overlook Mt, stopping along the way to check out the interesting ruins of the Mother Load Mine (cinnabar used to make mercury) before climbing the 1535 feet it takes to reach the summit. During the hike we had to cross snow fields regularly, getting both our feet and lower legs wet in the soft snow. But we saw some beautiful views of the Ochocos as we climbed and enjoyed seeing many early wildflowers with no one else around us on the trail.

At the summit, we enjoyed both the view and meeting several other hikers who had come up the short route which we took down. Prior to reaching our car, we took the side trip to tour the ghost village of Independent Mine, with its abandoned buildings slowly  falling apart.

It was a wonderful experience and very worth while for anyone who attempts the climb.