FCA admits publishing confidential information | Mortgage Introducer


In response to a Freedom of Information Act request published on the FCA’s website in November 2019; it has confessed to publishing information on complaints made against the FCA and handled by its complaints team between 2 January 2018 and 17 July 2019.

The FCA says that the information has been removed and it has undertaken a full review to identify the extent of any information that may have been accessible.

The firm adds that its “primary concern is to ensure the protection and safeguarding of individuals who may be identifiable from the data”.

The information which was revealed in some cases was confidential information containing the description of the complaint, for example an address, telephone number, or other information.

However it said that no financial, payment card, passport or other identity information were included.

The FCA said that where this is the case, it is “making direct contact with the individuals concerned to apologise and to advise them of the extent of the data disclosed and what the next steps might be”.

The financial body concludes by outlining that it has “taken immediate action to ensure this cannot happen again. We have referred the matter to the Information Commissioner’s Office”.