Here are the signs you've chosen the right real estate agent


Here are 7 signs you picked the right real estate agent I am sharing from a great article i read.. After that, I added a few of my own that are my personal signs….

Buying or selling a home can be a complicated and stressful experience. There can be a lot of moving parts involved that may come as a surprise to people who have never been through the process before. This is why having a great real estate agent is critical.

Picking the right agent isn’t always easy, but you’ll definitely know if you’ve picked the right one for you. Here are seven signs that you’ve made a great decision in picking your real estate agent:

1. You like being around them You don’t have to be head over heels in love with your real estate agent, but you need to at least enjoy being around him or her. You will spend a lot of time communicating with your agent, so the relationship needs to be a good one to help make the experience as painless as possible. There’s nothing worse than dealing with a person who you don’t like being around, especially if the going gets rough. If you don’t cringe at the sound of your agent’s voice then you might have found the right one.

2. They’re responsive and available This point is non-negotiable. A good real estate agent will make themselves available to you and won’t leave you hanging when you’re waiting for a response. If your agent is leaving you feeling like a spurned date, they’re doing something wrong. The right agent understands how important and serious a real estate transaction is, and will always make sure to make your needs a priority.

3. They’ve asked you to get pre-approved If you’re a buyer and you haven’t spoken with a mortgage professional before going out and looking at houses, a good real estate agent will ask you to. It might be frustrating if you don’t understand the reasons why, but a good agent knows that it’s for your own benefit just as much as theirs. There are a number of important things you might find out by going through the pre-approval process, many of which you should know before spending any of your time searching for a home. A good agent knows this, and wants you to know as well.

4. They’re proactive and not just reactive This is one indicator that will set the right agent apart from everyone else. The right agent will not just go through the motions and take orders, they will be proactive in helping you identify and find the right solutions. For instance, instead of just sitting back and waiting for you to send properties you might have come across, a great agent is always on the hunt for the ideal property for you, and will communicate and suggest things that you might never have considered before. Being proactive is a mark of a true real estate professional.

5. They’re honest with you, even when it hurts Just like honesty is important in a romantic relationship, so is honesty in a real estate relationship. The right agent will tell you the truth when you need to hear it, even if it’s inconvenient for them. It takes a lot of guts to be honest with someone when it might cost you money, but it’s also an ethical imperative, and a great agent will always put their own character, honesty, and integrity ahead of making a buck. And if they have to tell you the harsh truth that what you’re looking for is impossible, the right agent will do that too.

6. They don’t give up easily A real estate transaction rarely goes off without a hitch these days, and sometimes it feels like the universe is conspiring to keep you from buying or selling a home. But it’s much easier to throw your hands in the air and say “I give up,” or “Someone else can figure this out,” than it is to buckle down and come up with a solution. The right agent doesn’t give up, and will uncover a way to keep things moving, even it takes some creativity. The right agent fights for you, and doesn’t throw in the towel after getting jabbed.

7. They want to build a relationship One of the best signs that you’ve picked the right agent actually occurs either before or after you work with them on a deal. Even though real estate is transactional, the best agents look to build a relationship with their clients instead of just working with them on a deal and then disappearing. If your agent stays in touch, presents themselves as a constant resource, and is in it with you for the long-haul, then you’ve definitely found the right one for you.

Let me add a few more that I personally believe in…

I pride myself on being the agent everyone wants to work with… Here’s why..

1. I do what I say I’m going to do and get the job done. ( which comes from years of leadership training and flying airplanes for a living) It also comes from working with others who aren’t always stellar. How frustrating that can be… I always make sure I do what I promise. That builds trust and relationships that last a life time.

2. Experience counts: successful people know how to get things done, period. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care but after they know how much you care, you better know something.. That often comes from experience.

3. Being a positive, innovative, outside the box thinker is super important. When things go wrong, this benefits my clients & Co workers in a big way. I won’t stop until the job gets done.

4. Competence is critical… In the airline world, it’s important i’d say!? Considering the world around us and how screwed up things get, my clients appreciate that they don’t have to worry about that from us.

5. Being resourceful has always been important to me. Years of experience being the go to guy has allowed me to compile many great reliable professional contacts to help serve my clients via word of mouth. Being resourceful also means solving problems and figuring out the best way to proceed even when faced with something new.

Also, being ahead of the game means doing everything you can to mitigate issues that always come up. Lots of issues can be avoided and when they can’t, knowing the best way to handle them is critical to the outcome.

6. Having character and integrity is not a given in this business. I treat all my clients& co workers with the utmost respect and honor the rules of leadership and success, even if others don’t.

7. I believe being a great listener is important and know the importance of great communication.

8. Attitude is everything. No matter what happens, have the right mentality. Attitude equals altitude.

9. I treat everyone I work with like family. Being reliable and trustworthy makes all the difference in the world. Clients also know what my motivations are, which go beyond money. Make a difference in the lives of others and provide value. Money follows excellence. As a buyer, look at all the value you get for free!

10. Last but not least, I pride myself on providing value to others and going above and beyond. I believe in the Slight Edge principles. (great book which is free to you on my blog) Bottom line, who you work with matters!

Hope the article helps. See you soon. Cheers,

Ben REALTOR 407-595-8374

Picking the right agent isn’t always easy, but you’ll definitely know if you’ve picked the right one.

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