John Coffield to retire this summer | Mortgage Strategy


Paradigm head of mortgages John Coffield has revealed that he will be retiring at the end of August this year.

Coffield has carried out this role since Paradigm launched in September 2007.

Paradigm intends to announce his replacement, for which it is searching now, before the end of August.

“It has been an absolute privilege, not to forget great fun, to work with John for so many years,” says Paradigm chief executive Bob Hunt.

He continues: “He’s not just a great and well-respected colleague, he’s a friend, and I’m certain I’ll not be the only one who will miss him.

“John’s experience and knowledge, since the formation of Paradigm nearly 14 years ago, has been a vital part of the success we have built here together, and we will miss his sharp wit and wisdom.

“Obviously, we wish him and his wife Mary a long, enjoyable, healthy and active retirement.”

And Coffield comments: “My time at Paradigm has been the most fulfilling of my career, from both a business and personal perspective. To have been part of a new company and to help it grow through, what has been, some very challenging times has been incredibly rewarding. I’ve been privileged to work with some great people who have helped me to grow professionally and who have also been great fun to work with.

“On a personal level, Paradigm, and in particular, Bob Hunt, stood firmly with me and my family while I underwent over 12 months of treatment for cancer, and I will always be grateful for that support. I would also like to thank all the lenders and Paradigm members I have interacted with over the years, who have supported us and believed in our proposition. There have been some great times and I’m fortunate to have worked in such a great industry.

“Although in some respects I am sad to be leaving, I know the business will continue to thrive and grow in the coming years. The time is right for me now to spend more time with my wife, children and grandchildren – whether they want me to or not,” he concludes.

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