Make Your Voice Heard


Voters in Palm Beach County need to make their voices heard by voting on November 3, 2020.  This 2020 Presidential Election is unprecedented. There is more to this election beyond who will be president. Your vote is your voice on issues affecting healthcare, housing, education, and employment. Help make a difference in the community during this general election and vote. There are several simple motivations why you should vote: 

You vote will impact the quality of life you want for yourself and forthcoming generations. Voting is a U.S. citizen’s chance to stand up for the issues you care about like public transportation, raising minimum wage, or funding local schools. 

Elections are decided by the people who go out and vote.  Hopefully, you have invested time learning about, understanding the candidates and the direction they are headed. If you do not vote, someone else will make the decision for you. The power is in your vote.

Voting is your chance to choose how your tax dollars are spent – such as funding for health care and social services. Voting provides the opportunity for change.  Voting is your opportunity to change things or reinforce things.  Support the candidates that can help your community, state and the nation for the greater good.

Please check here for the I.D. Requirements for voting. Make sure your voice is heard. Please VOTE!