LIBF: CeMAP and other regulatory exams available remotely from mid-June | Mortgage Introducer


LIBF has been running a number of pilots with roll-out set to start on 10 June.

LIBF has published a timetable with information on the timings and how to book, along with additional information about the other adjustments they are making to support students.

Mark Heaton, managing director, corporation & professional learning at LIBF, said: “Our courses and qualifications are delivered predominantly online, so remote invigilation was something we had already been exploring and piloting.

“But with physical exams being cancelled, we knew we had to look at making remote invigilation available more widely, and quickly. This is particularly important where exams form the licence to practice, as is the case with regulated advice.

“We’ve worked closely with our providers to develop robust systems and, even though it’s still relatively early days, we can now open up access more widely.

“This is not just a contingency arrangement though. LIBF will retain the remote invigilation option alongside centre-based delivery for the long term, to give students a choice about how and where to sit their examinations.”