Would your mortgage network win the Euros? | Mortgage Introducer


If, like me, you’ve been drawn into watching even some of the more obscure group games in the Euro’s then I’m sure you can appreciate just how much of a largely positive distraction this has provided from such a hectic workload and uncertainty surrounding COVID-related restrictions.

As I attempt not to get too distracted by Ukraine versus North Macedonia, this tournament has also made me think about how a teams’ performance can be comparable with a good network offering in the modern mortgage market.

With group games coming thick and fast – and these swiftly rolling into the knockout stages – this really does highlight the importance attached to squad depth and not just a reliance on the strength of a first eleven.

The balance of this squad is also crucial to ensure that all positions have sufficient cover and the manager is not forced to squeeze square pegs in round holes.

It’s also fair to say that the best team is not automatically a collection of the best individuals. The most successful teams tend to be a cohesive, structured collective which consistently utilises their combined qualities to the best effect.

When putting the framework for the F4B network in place over the course of H2 2020 and Q1 2021, whilst I didn’t realise it at the time, there are certainly some parallels when it comes to leading a team to glory in the Euro’s.

A strong, flexible, well-balanced squad of lenders who cover a range of product areas forms the backbone of any competitive network offering.

A few stars will always emerge for advisers within this panel but choice remains crucial, as does being able to call upon that specialist lending solution when required to save that all important transaction.

This importance of the specialist lending community will only increase as COVID-related implications such as furlough, mortgage payment holidays, increased credit blips and a rise in CCJ’s mean that a rising number of potential borrowers and existing homeowners are falling beyond the strict and often inflexible limitations of mainstream lending criteria.

Meaning the reliance on what previously might have been deemed as an ‘alternative’ lending solution is becoming far more commonplace and advisers need a simpler, more effective pathway to these product types for a growing proportion of their clients.

The often less heralded analysis team, tech support and ancillary service providers also remain vital in keeping the wheels of the client journey in motion and generating the best possible outcomes.

Of course, these are somewhat a simplistic comparisons and there are many different facets to the great game and nuances within a variety of network offerings but hopefully you get the gist.

So, is it coming home? Your guess is as good as mine but what I do know is that the best team usually does emerge with the trophy and a good network is one which can also generate the best results for intermediary firms on a consistent basis.

Come on England.