PMS: Directly Authorised firms face watershed moment | Mortgage Introducer


PMS made the claim following adviser feedback and analysis of firms who are successfully weathering the crisis, along with requests for support being received from advisory firms who are looking to learn lessons for the future.

Ross Liston, managing director at PMS Mortgage Club, said: “One of the key trends we are seeing from the thousands of conversations taking place between directly authorised firms and our PMS team, is the business resilience of firms who offer a one-stop service solution that’s backed by an effective client engagement strategy.

“It’s been a long-held view at PMS that this is the way forward, but I believe we have now arrived at a watershed moment, and the COVID-19 crisis will accelerate the move to lifelong financial planning amongst mortgage firms.

“Quite simply, mortgage firms with deeper relationships and a wider range of services are better-placed to assist customers and weather the storm.

“For our part, PMS is committed to helping mortgage advisers to future-proof their businesses, which is why it’s encouraging to see the growing number of firms who are looking for support to ensure they emerge stronger from this crisis.”

PMS has rolled-out a package of support to help advisers through the crisis, including the PMS COVID-19 Adviser Support Hub and a series of online learning events offering a range of virtual workshops, webinars and podcasts.

Dean Vellender, director at EasyLife Alliance Limited, added: “It’s important for mortgage firms to grow, develop and adapt as the market changes.

“Key to this is having the focus that customers are for life rather than a transaction. Alongside the support from PMS, UK lenders are also assisting with these changes as they continue to work more closely with firms like us to improve the customer journey and experience.

“At EasyLife Alliance we were already looking at other ways to help clients for life, before lockdown, by expanding on our offering. We will accelerate these plans going forward for the benefit of the company, the team and more importantly our customers.”

Liston,added: “Advisers have had to adapt quickly to a new way of working. It’s been tough for many and this will continue for weeks and months to come, but the resilience of advisory firms has shone through.

“I’ve also been proud of how our team right across the group have been working incredibly hard to ensure advisers are kept up to date.

“Our COVID-19 adviser support hub and lender response grids have proved to be valuable resources for mortgage firms, backed by continued access to our in-house team of experts during this difficult period.

“This is something we will be looking to build on further over the weeks ahead, to ensure that advisers and their customers have all the support they need.”