COVID-19 Vaccine for Palm Beach County Update


 “Thank you for contacting the Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County (DOH-Palm Beach), and for your interest in the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Our local telephone appointment line is currently full and closed for COVID-19 vaccine requests. At this time appointments should only be requested by sending an email to [email protected]. There are no spaces or hyphens in this email address. Please remember to include your name, phone number, and date of birth.

All emails are being received. Due to the extremely high volume, you will not get an auto-response at this time, **repeated emails are not necessary**.

We are presently working on transitioning to a new messaging system that will allow us to update everyone who has sent us an email so far. These messages will be sent to the email address you used to contact us, not emails that you put into the body of the message.

Further instructions and information will be sent to these emails as more appointment options and vaccine become available.

Vaccination appointments are based on vaccine availability. As Dr. Alina Alonso has stated, filling all appointment requests will take months, not days or weeks. We appreciate your continued patience.

We are currently working with the State of Florida and Palm Beach County to increase our vaccine supply as well as ability to distribute it.


To prepare for your vaccination, please print out and read the information below:

Additional updates on local vaccine distribution will be communicated through this website, twitter account @HealthyFLPBC, and local media.

Make sure you speak with your primary care provider to answer any questions you have about the vaccine before you receive it.

For any additional questions about the vaccine at this time, the State COVID-19 Call Center can be reached by calling 1-866-779-6121 or emailing [email protected]  and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or visit”

Stay healthy Palm Beach County!