OSB Group withdraws fixed mortgages across brands | Mortgage Strategy


OSB Group has withdrawn all of its existing fixed rate mortgage products until Tuesday 4 October.

The move applies to the three brands within the group, Kent Reliance, Precise Mortgages and Interbay Commercial.

Many other lenders have withdrawn mortgage products on a temporary basis this week.

OSB Group group intermediary director Adrian Moloney says: “Due to the continued market interest rate volatility, OSB Group, in line with many other lenders, has taken the difficult decision to temporarily withdraw all of our existing fixed rate mortgage products.

“This will give us the opportunity to reassess our proposition, service our existing pipeline and ensure our product ranges are priced appropriately for when we relaunch our replacement fixed rate mortgage range on Tuesday 4 October.

“We understand that this is an unsettling time for brokers who are likely to be dealing with anxious clients worried by recent developments. I’d like to reassure them that we’re all in this together – we remain committed to doing everything we can to make sure they’ve got all the support they need to help get them through this period of uncertainty.”

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