Is a Mortgage Loan Consolidation A Good Choice in 2023-2024?


In 2023’s (and likely 2024’s) ever-changing financial landscape, the concept of a mortgage loan consolidation remains highly relevant… possibly more relevant than any other time in the last decade. As we navigate through inflationary territory and various life circumstances, we often find ourselves burdened with multiple debts, each with its own interest rate. This article explores the advantages of mortgage loan consolidation as a means to address these challenges and offers a fresh perspective on the topic.

The Debt Landscape:

Debt comes in various forms, including credit cards (19.99%-29.99%), personal loans (10%+), lines of credit (unsecured) (9%+), and payday loans (30%+). However, many individuals now recognize that carrying these unsecured debts at their current interest rates is increasingly unsustainable, especially during volatile times with high costs of living.

The Power of a Mortgage Loan Consolidation:

The option of loan consolidation through an home equity takeout or mortgage refinance emerges as a viable solution. With mortgage rates currently at historic lows, leveraging the equity in your home to consolidate and clear your debts becomes an appealing choice. This approach not only simplifies your financial obligations but also has numerous benefits worth considering.

Preserving Credit History:

By opting for loan consolidation, you can protect your credit history from further damage. As debts pile up and payments are missed, creditworthiness is often compromised. Leveraging your mortgage to consolidate these debts can help you regain control and prevent further deterioration of your credit score. Ultimately, this paves the way for future financial stability and opportunities that will arise.

Enhanced Cashflow and Financial Flexibility:

Consolidating your debts into a mortgage can significantly increase your available cash flow. When debt reaches its maximum threshold relative to your financial capabilities, missed payments become inevitable. By reallocating your debts into a mortgage, you free up additional funds that can be directed toward savings, investments, or other financial goals. This newfound flexibility empowers you to regain control over your finances and chart a path toward long-term financial prosperity.

Timing Is Key:

Recognizing your circumstances before they spiral out of control is crucial when considering a mortgage loan consolidation. Acting proactively, before reaching your financial limits and missing payments, is the ideal time to explore this option. However, even if you’ve already missed payments, a mortgage loan consolidation can still provide relief, albeit with some trade-offs. While mortgage rates may be higher than the lowest available rates, the benefits of consolidation remain significant. It is worth noting that your cash flow may not increase as substantially due to slightly higher mortgage payments resulting from the higher interest rate.

Illustrating the Potential:

Let’s consider an example to illustrate the impact of mortgage loan consolidation on your cashflow:

Total Unsecured Debts: $50,000.00

Total monthly minimum payments: $1,200.00 –  $1500.00 if you’re paying more than just interest each month

Loan consolidation to pay off unsecured debts: $50,000.00

Increase in monthly mortgage payment based on 5.50% interest rate: $415.00 – $450.00

(** 5.50% is based on today’s rates, June 29, 2023  – This of course will fluctuate up and down depending on when you explore your options)

Net Cashflow = $1,500/m – $450/m = $1050.00


A mortgage loan consolidation offers a practical and effective way to protect and rebuild credit, pay off debts, and increase available cash flow. It enables you to simplify your financial obligations and regain control over your financial future. If you would like to learn more or discuss your options further, we encourage you to contact us today at (905) 455-5005. Take charge of your financial well-being and embark on a path toward a brighter future. We look forward to working with you.