TSF Consultants latest ambassador firm at Air LLA | Mortgage Introducer


TSF is a provider of mental capacity and financial vulnerability assessments and has a national network of specialist mental capacity assessors who are recognised by the Court of Protection and the Office of the Public Guardian.

In the ambassadorial role TSF Consultants will provide input, resource and support to academy members to help to develop the mental capacity and financial vulnerability content of the organisation and provide a range of materials and resources.

Air LLA will also work with TSF to deliver a series of corporate and commercial benefits to those members who use its services.

Stuart Wilson, chief executive officer at AIR Group, said: “The whole issue of mental capacity and financial vulnerability is clearly one of the most important for advisers dealing with clients in later life.

“Understanding where such issues might arise is vital, because this can clearly have major repercussions for the client, their family, and the adviser.

“We all want to ensure that every possible base is covered, which is why we have been working with TSF Consultants and why we’re delighted to announce them as the latest ambassador firm of the academy.

“Working together we’ll be able to drive up education and understanding in this area, and our members will also have access to specialists in this field, so they can deliver their services with confidence.

“We are looking forward to working closely with the TSF team and helping our member firms maintain the best quality of standards in this area.”

Tim Farmer, founder and director of TSF Consultants, added: “TSF are a multi award-winning company.

“We have already worked closely with Answers in Retirement Group providing training to financial advisers about identifying financial vulnerability and mental capacity, as well as conducting face-to-face assessments where financial vulnerability or mental capacity have been identified as a concern.

“Since we were established in 2011, we have remained true to our core belief that every person has the right to achieve all they can mentally, physically, spiritually and culturally.

“In this new ambassador role we will continue to do this, helping develop learning programmes for members of the Air LLA and ensuring advisory firms understand the assessment process and the value in using a specialist such as TSF.”