War-time govt approach to do whatever it takes to support economy - Mortgage Strategy


Chancellor Rishi Sunak has unveiled £330bn of additional support to help businesses deal with the coronavirus crisis.

And he said he will go further if he needs to.

The move comes just a week after his first Budget.

Speaking during today’s daily news conference at Downing Street, Sunak said the economic response would require a “collective national effort”.

He said: “This is a time to be bold, a time for courage.”

Sunak explained the crisis would not be overcome by a single package.

The conference focused on the economic impact of coronavirus while previous updates have predominately been about health.

With many parts of the country in lock down, many industries called for large intervention measures and for extra money to be pumped into the economy to protect businesses and jobs.

Sunak said: “We have never faced an economic fight like this one but we will get through this.”

Prime minister Boris Johnson said the government is acting like a wartime government and would do “whatever it takes” to support the economy.

The Budget last week included £12bn emergency coronavirus funding measures, made up of at least £5bn for the NHS in England and £7bn for business and workers across the UK.

In Boris Johnson’s first daily update on Monday he acknowledged the economy was facing “a severe blow” because of the virus as he outlined a series of measures for the country.

The total number of deaths from coronavirus in England now stands at 67, a rise of 14 on Monday’s figures, the NHS says.

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