James Symonds commentary: Cash rate stays at 1% for September - Aussie Home Loans blog


The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has set aside its rate-cutting scissors for now, keeping the cash rate steady at 1.0% for September.

The pause is giving the RBA a chance to assess what’s going on in the global and Australian economies before it considers further changes to the cash rate.

The RBA has said it’s open to future rate cuts if that’s what’s needed to get the economy on track for sustainable growth.

But why wait? Aussies who want to save on their home loan are in the driver’s seat right now.

Lenders compete for title of ‘Lowest fixed rates’

Lenders are battling it out for your business, and that’s seeing lenders dish up a feast of rate cuts with plenty of savings up for grabs. Some lenders are even offering fixed rate home loans for less than 3%.

Is it time to switch?

Despite all the great deals on the table, Aussie recently conducted research which found 29 per cent of Australians are putting off buying a property because the home loan process seems confusing and hard to navigate. In addition, a huge 69 per cent of homeowners said they knew they should review their refinancing options, but it just seemed too hard.

Sound like you? Go straight to your Aussie Broker who will navigate the mortgage maze and let you know where your loan stands today.

Step into Aussie this Spring

No matter whether you’re planning to buy, upgrade or invest this Spring, or you just want to be sure you’ve got the home loan that’s right for you, a quick chat with your Aussie Broker is a smart starting point.

There’s plenty going on in the home loan market, and you don’t want to miss out on the savings of today’s super low rates.