The Yoga Room - Tequesta


There are habits to find your focus and become a happier person. Life is complicated and stressful. Balancing a healthy family, happy social life and workplace can seem like a difficult undertaking. Putting out fires all day long at work and home can take a toll on your well-being. Try a guide to intentional practice with Lisa Luther at The Yoga Room on 1559 Cypress Drive in Tequesta.

The Yoga Room is a welcoming studio with a staff of knowledgeable and compassionate certified teachers. Practicing yoga will help you find peace within the issues and cope with things. The Yoga Room offers Vinyasa, Yin, and Restorative styles of yoga. From beginner to advanced, whether you are looking to relax and unwind, or build strength and flexibility, a friendly community awaits to support you.

The Yoga Room is a place to find your grounding through the yogic tradition, in the most authentic way possible. The focus here is on helping students look within, leading to a healthier relationship with the outside world. Posture, breathing, meditation, and yogic philosophy all intertwine here, with practices focused on making patients the best people they can be. You can find their class schedule here. A library of online classes is available for you to practice anywhere and anytime!