Five problems with the easy button


The easy button is full of alluring promises. After all, it's quick. It's cheap. And it's painless. In a world where we're all stretched for time, why wouldn't we always opt for easy? 

But when it comes to buying and selling real estate, when the stakes are always high, the process is often much more nuanced and complex than what the easy button (or the instant gratification button) can handle. 

Based on our experience, here's where the easy button often falls apart:

  • The easy button isn't hard-wired for extra effort. 
  • And the easy button isn't comfortable with change. 
  • The easy button doesn't care much for solving problems.
  • And the easy button doesn't have time to communicate.  
  • But perhaps, most important, the easy button offers only ordinary best. 

If you've ever been disappointed by the easy button, we invite you to try the relationship route instead. A relationship where generous and hardworking people work together in pursuit of a common goal. 

At Mad City Dream Homes, here's what we keep learning about the relationship route, time and time again:

When like-minded people bring their best to each other -- and collaborate -- the results are often life-changing and extraordinary. And in the end, every investment of time, attention, communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and effort is worth it...and then some.