
Once wealthier than Oprah, Folorunsho Alakija, is another strong female power of the world and she is making her way to West Palm Beach to speak. Alakija is a Nigerian billionaire who made her money in oil. According to , “Folorunsho Alakija’s first company was an upscale fashion label that catered to Nigeria’s elite including the wife of the former military president, Ibrahim Babangida. This connection paid off: the president later gave Alakija’s company a prospecting license for one of the most lucrative oil fields in Nigeria. The drop in oil prices dented the fortune of Alakija, one of just two women billionaires in Africa.” also released that Alakija is worth more than $2 billion, which has fluctuated since oil prices have gone down. Alakija is one of the wealthiest African American women in the world after Angolan Oligarch Isabel dos Santos ($3.4 billion) and media mogul Oprah Winfrey ($3 billion). Come out and hear one of the world’s leaders in business right here in West Palm Beach. Alakija will speak about her life and career on Friday, April 24 at 7pm at the Embassy Suites, 1601 Belvedere Road. Tickets are priced at $35 a piece. For more information about this event please contact: Shenetria Moore at [email protected].