Getting into Gardening During the Coronavirus


There’s something about being stuck inside for an extended period of time which makes you want to fulfill those little dreams you’ve never got round to. And while, for some, that might mean sorting out their wardrobe or starting a new creative project, for others, the lockdown has presented the perfect opportunity to brush up on their gardening skills.

What tools do you need to grow plants from seeds?

You don’t really need any tools if you’re just sowing right at the beginning, because even when it comes to needing to pot them and put them into their right places, you can make do with a spoon if you don’t have a trowel.

According to Stylist Magazine, what you do need is something to sow into. You can make a lot of this from home – you can use things like yogurt pots, egg boxes and those trays that you get tomatoes and mushrooms in – you can use all of that. As long as it’s got a hole in the bottom, that’s the most important thing. But if you’re using a yogurt pot or whatever, you can just poke a hole in the bottom.

Which are the best plants to grow indoors?

If you’re short on outdoor space and want to give indoor growing a go, look the sunniest spot in your home. There are definitely some varieties of plant you can grow on a windowsill – the crucial thing is how sunny your windowsill is, if you’ve only got indoor space, use the sunniest window sill you’ve got, because newly-sowed plants need warmth and they like heat and light.

However, if you’ve got outdoor space, it’s probably better to grow your seedlings outside

How much space do you need to grow plants from seeds?

It depends on how many you’re sowing – it’s how many seed trays you can fit into your spot, so anything from the size of a laptop to as much room as you’ve got is great really.

What are the benefits of growing plants from seeds?

Growing something from seed is also a really good way of learning the fundamentals of gardening, so if you would like to learn more about plants and want to start a gardening adventure, the act of raising a plant from seed will give you the confidence to tackle other things in the garden. It teaches you lots about watering properly and light and growth – and those sorts of things are crucial to mastering the rest of gardening.

Other things to keep in mind

  • Light is really important. Seeds will grow towards the light, so if you have seeds that are very bendy, turn them around. Unless you want them to be wonky, you’ll need to keep turning them.

  • Never let your seedling compost dry out – they really need moisture otherwise they just won’t do anything. So, water them every day.

  • If it all goes horribly wrong, don’t worry. It’s only a packet of seeds – you can try again.