Twenty7Tec delivers upgrade to APPLY integration with Halifax


The additional functionality will allow advisers to obtain DIP applications for self-employed customers, and the ability to retrieve DIP certificates in APPLY.

The upgrade follows an announcement that Pepper Money is now available to APPLY-enabled users of the CloudTwenty7 platform.

Since rolling out the Halifax integration early in 2021, Twenty7Tec director of lender relationships Nathan Reilly says the company has seen “strong engagement levels from advisers submitting DIPs to Halifax via APPLY, with many praising the increased efficiency and time saving the journey offers”.

“We’re pleased to be in a position where advisers will now be able to place even more Halifax cases through CloudTwenty7 and download a DIP certificate that can be shared with their customers,” Reilly comments.

Lloyds Banking Group managing director of intermediaries Esther Dijkstra adds: “This update is in line with our commitment to provide the best service possible to intermediaries and is a further step on our journey to provide the capability to submit full mortgage applications via our API services, with more changes expected shortly.”