ARLA Propertymark welcomes PRS electrical safety tests | Mortgage Introducer


The government’s draft regulations propose that from 1 July 2020 this safety test will need to be carried out before a tenancy begins by a qualified person.

The landlord will need to make sure the installation is inspected and tested at least every five years.

For existing tenancies, the test will need to happen by 1 April 2021 and be followed up by these regular tests.

David Cox, chief executive at ARLA Propertymark, said: “We are supportive of this concept and believe it will create a level playing field for all agents and landlords as well as ensuring improved safety standards for tenants.

“Mandating electrical testing should have a limited impact on good professional landlords and agents in the market, many of whom already voluntarily undertake these inspections.

“We did raise concerns about the number of engineers available to undertake these reports by the April 2021 deadline but have received assurances from MHCLG about capacity in the supply chain.”