The Nottingham reintroduces 90% LTV products | Mortgage Introducer


The deal is a 5-year fix at 3.70% with no product fees.

It is also available at 3.45% with a £999 fee.

In addition, an 80% LTV 2-year fix at 2.30%, and an 80% LTV 3-year fix at 2.60% have been introduced.

Both deals offer no fees.

An 85% LTV 3-year fix at 2.90% has also been made available.

Furthermore, where the preference is no early repayment charges, a 2-year discount mortgage is accessible at 2.20%, 3.54% off the society’s VAR, with a £199 booking fee.

Nikki Warren-Dean, head of intermediary sales at The Nottingham, said: “We’ve been working very hard behind the scenes to be able to bring back 90% LTV mortgages.

“Buying property is never easy, and that has undoubtedly become more challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We were always looking to return to this space and to help people with smaller deposits, however it was important to do so in a measured and responsible way.

“We are delighted to be able to unveil products that could help make house moves or remortgages that in 2020 may have looked impossible, possible.”