Pepper Money brings in case owners for broker applications | Mortgage Strategy


Pepper Money has introduced case owners, allowing brokers to access a single point of contact when progressing mortgage applications.

The lender says the operating model has been introduced to make the mortgage application process smoother and faster and to provide the ‘highest level of support when submitting business.’

The case owner will work along side regional development managers. The lender says every application will be greeted by a conversation with the case owner, providing the broker is available and able to spare some time. This will then be followed by further interactions if required to help complete the picture, reach a decision and progress to a mortgage offer.

Pepper Money sales director Paul Adams says: “The introduction of a case management operating model focussed at a regional level made sense for so many reasons.

“By creating dedicated teams that are focused on working in partnership with brokers from the point of application we can encourage a conversation with the decision maker and provide guidance directly on the requirements. This compliments the support provided through our regional business development managers who are on hand to build stronger relationships with broker partners, discussing products criteria and our wider proposition. The operating model leads to better communication and ultimately means that applications get processed more effectively.”

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