Stuart Andrew named as new housing minister | Mortgage Strategy


Stuart Andrew has replaced Christopher Pincher as housing minister as part of a broad cabinet reshuffle.

Pincher was given the role this time last year, at the time the tenth minister to take the job in ten years.

Andrew, until today, was deputy chief whip of the House of Commons and treasurer of the household.

As an MP, he has represented the Pudsey constituency in West Yorkshire in 2010.

Commenting on the appointment, Propertymark chief executive Nathan Emerson says: “We welcome Stuart Andrew to his appointment as the new housing minister. He takes on the role at an important time for the housing market with a lack of supply and additional costs for consumers.

“He must reenergise the planning system to remove known barriers to maximising delivery and also plan for the anticipated housing needs of older people.

“We look forward to working constructively with the new minister to find solutions to speed up the home buying and selling process and ensure critical material information is provided to consumers in a clear and transparent way. This will not only help to keep the market moving but allow agents to help level up the country.”

And National Federation of builders (NFB) chief executive Richard Beresford says: “The NFB congratulates Stuart Andrew on his new role as housing minister and as the largest trade federation for SME housebuilders, hope he will come and speak to our members as soon as possible, to understand the regional and planning challenges they face.

“He has a tough job on his hands, as we desperately need an engaged housing minister who understands the planning systems impact on levelling up, SME builders and the broader housing crisis.”

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