Keep your home secure this holiday season


Christmas and New Year are busy times for all of us, but taking a moment to review your home’s security could keep your place safe all summer long.

Low cost tips to prevent break-ins

Almost a quarter of a million Aussie homes are broken into annually, and the festive season is prime time for burglars.

Here’s how you can deter thieves.

Make your home look lived in

Crims go giddy over properties where no one appears to be home. So if you’re heading off on vacation, ask a neighbour to bring in garbage bins and empty your mailbox. Installing automatic timers, which switch lights on in the evening, helps your home look lived in.

Hide the loot

Leaving valuables visible from the yard or windows is like leaving a treat out for Santa: It’s a temptation burglars find hard to resist. Keep jewellery, digital devices and cash – the top picks for thieves – out of sight especially when you’re not at home.

Lock up when you leave

Two out of five burglars enter a home through an unlocked door. That makes it a no-brainer to lock doors and windows even if you’re just popping out for a few minutes.

Keep gardens trim

Thieves just love a rambling garden. In fact, three out of four burglars scope neighbourhoods looking for properties where greenery screens out street views. Avoid your home joining their hit list by trimming trees and bushes – especially those growing near doors or under windows.

Be careful what you post on social media

The Australian Institute of Criminology found 78% of crooks agree that social media can be used to target homes for burglary. Unless you have watertight privacy settings, keep your status updates vague when you’re heading out of town.

Be bushfire aware

A break-in can see you lose personal possessions but a bushfire could spell disaster for your home. Fire Service agencies recommend several steps to protect your place including installing metal gutter guards and adding mesh screens to windows and doors.

Repair damaged or missing roof tiles, and cover gaps in external walls to prevent flying embers taking hold. Also check that your garden hoses reach right around your house.

Have insurance in place

It’s always reassuring to know that if disaster strikes, you’re financially protected by home and contents insurance.

The key is to have the right level of cover in place. Some insurers have online calculators that you let estimate rebuilding costs, and the value of your belongings. It’s an easy way to know if you have the right level of protection.

Taking additional steps like installing deadlocks, alarms and security screens don’t just lower premiums, they may mean you never have make a claim at all.

For more information, head straight to Aussie for a range of home insurance options.